alt lit


Teeny Excerpt from New Tab By Guillaume Morissette

You know when you read something and you're like Oh-eM-Gee I totally feel this? Well, that's how I felt reading this excerpt from New Tab, which I found here. I am now going to go buy the thing.

Anywho, I Snagit-ed this excerpt from the excerpt I found online because this Snagit-ed excerpt particularly stuck to my ribs. Some people call it the feels, some call it existential despair, Louis C.K. calls it that forever empty. This character calls it reality (reality that is "inside every raccoon," hehe). But, seriously. The feels, man. Not cool. At least the character understands? This is why I love fiction.

So, here's the excerpt. Please also buy the book, thank-you. 

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Excerpt from E-IRL by Meta Knight

I found this posted in its entirety on and particularly liked this excerpt considering the fact that I'm at work idling through the web discovering things such as this free PDFed novel-ish piece of lit (also published at Alt Lit Press) by persona Meta Knight who footnotes his work like a wikipedian T.S. Eliot.

Anyhow, I friggin hurt along with the narrator who feelz that "being paid to mess around online isn't exactly damnation," but it also causes a "sting of purposelessness," a "dystrophy of heart."

After you read this excerpt, you can read the whole thing here.


Steve Roggenbuck - make something beautiful before you are dead

Steve Roggenbuck, the Internet's version of Whitman, has made me think poetry may not actually be dead to anyone other than poets? Some lines from his awesome/weird YouTube poem, make something beautiful before you are dead:

"this is a fucked up tree; this is three trees coming out of the same tree ...

I want to kiss you on the baseball field in the middle of the night ...

back in my grandfather's day, they didn't have yolo! ...

guess who you can't hug when you're dead ... everyone! ...

you are literally gonna die; make something beautiful before you are dead ...

hey fricker, guess what? we're both alive at the same time!"