

Mew - Introducing Palace Players

Remember these guys? I'm not really sure why I dusted them off today, but behold! — a wicked guitar riff. Seems like trends move so quickly nowadays that the time is ripening for golden-age-of-buzz-bands nostalgia. Which is sort of the snake eating its own tail, if you think about it. Think about it long and hard. HARDER!


Ryan McGinness - Figure Drawings

At Pace Prints hang Ryan McGinness's Figure Drawings: women-shaped neon signs. They're like flat, Matisse-inspired shapes that flicker and buzz in the window of the adult video store. But, in the best way possible. 

I'd luv to visit these sexy women-shaped neon lines in person. For now, I'll just ogle them here, at the Pace Prints' exhibition site. Bzzzzzzt.