Diamond Life - WEINVENTYOU

I originally discovered WEINVENTYOU via Gawker while reading on the bus during one of those SAD (seasonal affective disorder) days in January that make you breakdown in the new-mom-pump-room in your office after your bus finally elbowed its diesel-y way to said workplace through hours of brown snow and traffic. Breathe.

Anyhow, bad (good?) day to watch, the looping gif of marketing-jargon-beeping-repetitive-despair-of-work-whathave you Slate said evoked "the existential despair of the conference call." It was cathartic and sad *claws at throat*.

So, I couldn't upload to my humble site, but I could upload this also very cool gif by WEINVENTYOU of a baller in a Caddy(?) creeping ominously past onlookers in what I think is Sierra Leone only because I've listened to Kanye's song too many times and think (possibly?) that Jay Z is in the car like: "Don't judge me, yo. I'm a business, man, not a businessman; let me handle my business."