nick van sciver


You'll have to work until you and your shit life end: an uplifting comic - Noah Van Sciver

After I'd spent at least twenty pathetic minutes complaining about the symptoms of the Millennial sickness that is the problem of requiring meaningful and fulfilling labor or at least time to pursue what seems like more meaningful, fulfilling labor ("no, I'm, like, a real writer not just one that gets a job as a writer for an advertising agency ... er, tech company!) I found this awesome cartoon by Noah Van Sciver perfectly titled: "you'll have to work until you and your shit life end: an uplifting comic." 

This cartoon was the result of Noah's asking a Colorado band or musician four questions and then drawing their conversation. A particularly cathartic and hilarious line is the one from the giddy DJ doing mindnumbing data entry next to what looks like a crying baby boomer: "I only have to work this job until my DJing/band/art career really takes off!" he beams. 

Aw, snap! Lolz. *wipes tear, slaps knee* That's a good one! Fuuuuck, I feel better now somehow. Thanks for the slap to the face, yo. 

See the original comic strip here.