Call for Essays by Women About Sex and Culture
El Balazo is excited to collect a book of essays about sex and cultural complexities from female writers of diverse backgrounds.
We’re not looking for pornography or your take on 50 shades, but thought-provoking essays where sex is the vehicle for a larger insight and where a country or culture are integral to your story.
Example essay themes may be:
... a first sexual experience for an Indian-American immigrant who moved to the States during puberty
... an ordeal of obtaining a marriage license in Tehran just to hold hands with a boyfriend
... first sex after a sex change
Whether you take on the good sex, the bad sex, the weird sex, or the no sex, your essay needs to have a surprising point of view and a compelling voice. We can’t wait to read your bold, diverse stories!
Who you are
Previously published or first-time authors with a compelling voice and story (see above) who identify as female.
Who we are
El Balazo is a small press that publishes print books and literary web content. Headquartered in San Francisco, El Balazo publishes new, original writing and isn't afraid of the wacky stuff that usually gets passed over. We get interesting, unique content -- and writers -- a place in the sun.
This book will be edited by
Tori Balazo, the founder of El Balazo, has worked in book publishing and product development for traditional and media publishing companies, including CBS, for almost a decade. She has an MFA in creative writing from Hamline University.
Sasha Vasilyuk is an award-winning journalist who has written about culture, travel and love for Harper’s Bazaar, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, Huffington Post, San Francisco Chronicle and others.
About the Book
The book will be available in print and as e-book, distributed online and in bookstores. It will be promoted in national media. All writers selected for publication will be paid (payment terms will be discussed once your essay is selected). El Balazo will retain exclusive rights to the published essays, which will be released after 2 years.
Submission details
Deadline for submissions is October 15, 2016. There is no reading fee for this submission. Please submit your essay of 4000 words max (in Word, PDF, or Google Doc format), with your name and a short bio to
Thank you! Spasibo! Gracias! Merci! Arigato!